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Resource Systems is a computer consulting firm concentrating in the following areas:

· Computer System Evaluation & Setup
· Software Evaluation and Training
· Network Design & Solutions
· Data Recovery
· Internet Access

Resource Systems serves as your complete computer consultant. That is, we can advise you on the proper hardware and software to accomplish your goals. Further, after your computer system is installed, we're still there... making sure that everything works correctly and making you feel comfortable with your hardware and software. We are a click away from a remote assist. Our goal is to make your computer a familiar office tool, rather than a mysterious "black box" that just collects dust.


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computer scene
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We Connect Your Data Life

Resource Systems strives to make your computer experience a productive one. Whether you want to connect a number of computers - Windows and Mac or just want to set in front of a single device, we are happy to support you.


So, contact us and let's increase your productivity.

"Before You Plug It Into The Wall, Give Us a Call""
Resource Systems  Stamford, CT  06903  203-329-3660
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